The BSE of India uses the Sensex as its benchmark. A basket comprising 30 equities representing the biggest, financially soundest corporations in the nation that were listed just on BSE served as its starting point on Jan 1, 1986. Deepak Mohini, an equity market analyst, came up with the phrase “Sensex,” which combines the words “Sensitive” & “Index.” The swings of the stock market of India are reflected in the Sensex. The Indian stock market’s baseline index is regarded as being this one. According to BSE, formerly called the Bombay Stock Exchange, it’s the oldest index in India & offers time series information dating back to 1979.

The bellwether index measures the market mood and gives fund managers a baseline to measure their funds’ success. For investors, the Indian share prices are represented by the Sensex index. Simply put, a rise in the Sensex number indicates that share values have generally increased. On the contrary hand, a falling Sensex number indicates that share values are generally down.

Sensex now accurately captures the mood of the Indian stock market because it includes firms from all major economic sectors.

Just how was the Sensex determined?

When it was initially created, the Sensex, also known as BSE 30, was computed using the market capitalization, or “Full Market Capitalization,” but starting on September 1, 2003, it began using a “Market Economy Capitalization” approach. All major benchmark providers, use this methodology.

Free float is indeed the percentage of the firm’s revenue shares issued that is easily traded by the public at large. It doesn’t account for promoters’ holdings, government holdings, or more shares that won’t normally be traded on the market.

Market Capitalization multiplied by the Free Floating Factor yields Free-Float Market Capitalization.

Assume Firm A like 5paisa has 100 shares for the sake of illustration. 70 of such 100 are open to the general public, while 30 are government-owned. As a result, the free float ratio will be 70 percent since 70 of the stocks are “free-floating.”

The value of the corporation is its “market capitalization.” You may find it by calculating the share price even by the total amount of shares issued.

How do these 30 businesses get chosen?

The following list of criteria was used by the BSE to choose these businesses:

The stock has a BSE listing: For consideration, the stock must have at minimum a year of BSE trading history.

Market Capitalization: The organization needs to be among the top 100 businesses in terms of total market capitalization.

The Security ought to have been exchanged on every single trading day during the previous year, according to the BSE. In the event of extraordinary circumstances, exceptions may be granted.

Average Daily Transactions & Daily Average Turnover: The Security ought to rank among the top 150 companies according to the average number of transactions each day and the daily average value of stock exchanged during the last 12 months.

Reputation: According to the Index Board, the company should have a respectable reputation, according to the BSE website.

Each quarter, the Index Committee assesses each BSE index, such as the SENSEX. A change within the constituency might, or could not, result from each review meeting.

How does the Sensex compare to the Nifty?

The National Stocks Exchange’s benchmark index is called Nifty. Nifty consists of the “National Fifty.” The amount of elements that the Nifty and Sensex contain is the main distinction between them. The top 50 publicly listed firms on the NSE make up the Nifty 50, whereas the top 30 companies just on BSE make up Sensex. While Nifty includes 50 enterprises, Sensex is primarily focused on a smaller market.
