Market Requirements Document (MRD) Definition

A market requirements document (MRD) is a text that connects the client’s requirements and wants for a product or facility.

It frequently muddles with a product requirements document (PRD), but they are not similar.

The product requirements document labels how formation should construct, and aids wider cross-functional teams understand a product.

The market requirements document tags the marketplace unplanned and must create before the PRD. This approach allows the PRD to inform by the findings of the MRD. It ensures that the team will understand the customer’s unmet wants before defining requirements.

How is a Market Requirements Document (MRD) Used?

market requirements document

  • Traditionally, MRDs and PRDs are used in the waterfall and phase-gate development methodologies to capture a deep understanding of customers’ market needs.
  • The waterfall approach emphasizes documentation because requirements must be thoroughly met and defined upfront before the work starts.
  • However, in nimble product development, a short MRD is powerfully preferred as an effective method to quickly comprehend market needs before writing detailed user stories and investing a meaningful amount of effort and resources.

Who Creates and Important of the Market Requirements Document (MRD)?

  • There are so numerous ideas for new products and services, and it can be stimulating to know what to build the following.
  • But it is a responsibility as a product manager to describe and prioritize which difficulties to solve.
  • For this reason, product managers characteristically own writing an MRD. However, since this document root in market research, product managers often collaborate with product marketing.
  • Writing up an MRD before investment time, money, and resources can assistance reduce waste.
  • For opportunities worth pursuing, the MRD enables you to define what will be required to succeed.
  • It means you can focus on moving forward with the work aligned with your product strategy, which will be the most impactful for your customers.

How Should a Market Requirements Document (MRD) be Structured?

market requirements document

There are fundamental questions that your market requirements document should answer. The MRD should permission no questions about the customer’s wants and needs for your product and the available opportunity.

To accomplish this, organize your MRD with the following structure and ensure it answers the included questions:

Executive Summary

  • Provide a concise report of your findings, assumptions, and suggestions. The executive summary can think of as a miniature version of the entire document.


  • Your vision should represent the essence of your product. It should set the direction for your product head or the end state for what your product will deliver in the future.

Target Market

  • Detail the exact market size and document the assumptions and facts that validate and justify the market chance.


  • Create a persona for each likely person related to the market opportunity and planned solution.

Competitor Analysis

  • Your competitor analysis should focus on the particularization of how clienteles are solving the problem today.
  • Understanding all the different options obtainable to your prospective customers’ assistances, you differentiate your contribution and establish a competitive advantage.

High-Level Capabilities

  • Write out the functional characteristics and the working capabilities required of the solution.
  • Avoid detailed project and development specifications. Instead, outline the solution from the customer’s viewpoint by describing what they wish to accomplish.

Metrics Strategy

  • The information in this section should connect to your business model. Reflect how the company will generate income from your new product or how this new feature will touch pricing.
  • With the details you comprise here, everyone can understand the key metrics that you are measuring.

Challenges with the Market Requirements Document (MRD)

  1. The traditional technique of long-form MRDs can be a lengthy process. In a waterfall approach, the MRD must finalize before any work can begin.
  2. And often, by the time it finishes, the information limited in it is outdated.
  3. Today, many sides want to work faster, iterate, and collaborate in parallel with cross-functional sides.
  4. They use a purpose-built produce management package to write worker stories and connections to planned goals and initiatives.
  5. The creates a more agile approach to building products and saves you the time spent writing a new MRD for each release.
  6. Whether you choose to write a full MRD or find a more lightweight approach, the output will light why customers want your product or feature, who the solution is for, and what will require a successful resolution.
  7. You can now go your attention to the next step — defining how your new product or eye should build.
  8. To do that, you can usage a PRD pattern to make sure you imprisonment the correct details.

Comparing Market Requirements Documents and Product Requirements Documents

  • The Market Requirements Document has historically used in the waterfall and phase-gate development processes rather than Agile. Its design to capture a profound description of the market needs that customers have.
  • In Agile product development, a short Market Requirements Document effectively captures and understands.
  • The market needs before diving into writing user stories and cranking out features in the product backlog as fast as possible.
  • The Market Requirements Document accompany by the Product Requirements Document (PRD).
  • The company is frequently so excited and pressured to rapidly create the product that many organizations do away with the Market Requirements Document and jump right to the Product Requirements Document.
  • In the case of Agile, put together a list of product features as a backlog, write user stories and start developing the product without discussions or a deep understanding of customer needs.
  • The Product Requirements Document often includes a section to explain why the customer needs the product.
  • If you aren’t going to produce a Market Requirements Document or a Product Requirements Document, make sure that you have an in-depth discussion and agree with your team about its context – why will your customer want this product.
  • Also, discuss the right market and customer needs and how the product features will solve that need.


An MRD or Market Requirements Document is a document outlining customers’ needs and helps you create a plan to meet those needs.

Developing a Market Requirements Document involves collecting information that gives the context of a problem, who experiences that problem, and when that problem occurs.

The Market Requirements Document has three critical components as context, along with a final statement of what the customer needs – their “market need.”
